3 Reasons A Smart Thermostat May Be For You

If you want to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system, an easy and affordable way is by installing a smart thermostat.

Works Like a Programmable Thermostat

A smart thermostat is very similar to a programmable thermostat. A smart thermostat allows you to set the temperature you want your house to be throughout the day, just like a programmable thermostat.

For example, if Monday-Wednesday you work from 8am-5pm during the summer, you can turn your thermostat up a little bit while you are at work, and set your thermostat to really start cooling off your home an hour before you get home from work. If you then are home Thursday – Sunday, you can set your thermostat to be a little colder at night and a little warmer during the day.

You can adjust your thermostat for different times of days or days of the week. You can set a schedule for a day or for a week, or sometimes even for an entire month.

Allows You to Control Your HVAC System On the Go

Next, a smart thermostat is really great because it allows you to fix your HVAC system on the go. Sometimes, you can't remember to stand at your thermostat and change the temperature. That is where being able to change the temperature settings from your phone can be useful.

Other times, the weather can change unexpectedly and you need to adjust the temperature in your home. Perhaps it is way hotter than anticipated, and it is going to take longer for your home to cool off. Or perhaps a storm rolled in and cooled everything off.

Or maybe your plans changed, and you are getting off work early and want to come home to a house that is the perfect temperature. With a smart thermostat, you can make these adjustments on the go.

Unique and Useful Features

Finally, smart thermostats have other useful features as well. They are designed to remind you when you need to do necessary maintenance task, such as coil out the condenser, clean your air ducts, or change out the air filter.

Smart thermostats can also let you see how much energy you are using. They can monitor energy output, and share the information in a graph with you. This will allow you to know how much energy you are using, and estimate your bill from your energy usage. This can save you from a surprise energy bill.

If you have an old-school thermostat, it makes sense to upgrade to a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat functions much like a programmable thermostat, allowing you to set the temperature in your home to change throughout the day without you having to manually change it. A smart thermostat can help you manage your home while you are on-the-go, and can also provide you with useful maintenance reminders. Have an AC replacement and repair professional upgrade your thermostat today.
