4 Reasons Your Furnace Smells Like It’s Burning

Whenever a homeowner detects a burning scent, the first reaction is to assume there is a fire in the home. However, if you experience this scenario and your furnace happens to be powered on — you might not want to rush to the same judgement. There are actually a host of reasons why a furnace can produce a burning-like scent, with some of the issues being minor.

1. Dust

If you detect the burning scent and it's also the first time you have turned on the heater for the season, it's likely just dust burning that you smell. When the furnace is not in use, it's common for dust to accumulate. So, when the furnace is finally powered on, the heat from the unit will burn the accumulated dust and create the scent you smell. 

2. Air Filter

The burning sensation could be the result of a clogged air filter. While people often think about the importance of changing the air filter for the air conditioner unit, they sometimes forget that it's equally important for the furnace. When the air filter is clogged, it limits the amount of warmed air that can pass through the system. The limited airflow causes the furnace to work harder to produce more air, which, in turn, causes the furnace to overheat and cause the burning smell. 

3.Electrical Wiring

A more severe issue that can lead to an unusual scent from your furnace is an electrical wiring problem. Unlike burning dust, an electrical burn will almost mimic the smell of burning plastic and have more of a fire type scent that just a burnt smell. If you detect this type of scent, you need to shut down the furnace immediately and contact the fire department. This type of issue is an indication of a serious wiring failure issue with the furnace that must be repaired. 

4. Oil Filter

If you have an oil-powered furnace, you might detect a burning smell if you've neglected maintenance. With an oil-powered furnace, you have to change the oil filter periodically. When the oil filter is not changed, it can produce a problem similar to a clogged air filter. Try to change the oil filter and see if the issue is resolved. However, if this does not work, you will need to have the furnace examined. 

If you detect a burning scent from your furnace and it won't go away, or you have concerns about it, don't hesitate to contact an HVAC service, like Summit Heating and Air Conditioning. Your peace of mind and safety are most important, and a technician can help ensure you're covered in both areas. 
