How To Clean Your Air Conditioner: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

You know that big air conditioning condenser that sits out in your yard, helping to keep your home cool all summer long? Did you realize that you are actually supposed to clean it periodically — preferably once a year in the spring? This may seem intimidating if it is something you have never done before, but that's where this guide comes in handy. Even if you are a complete beginner who has barely even used a screwdriver, you should be able to follow these tips to clean your AC condenser.

Step 1: Remove the Grille

The outer covering on your air conditioner, also known as a grille, is nothing more than a protecting layer that keeps debris from entering the AC unit and prevents damage from happening to the unit should anything fall on it. You need to remove this grille to access the fins and the other components you need to clean. Luckily, this is pretty simple. Start by turning off the power to the AC unit. If you can't find its own power switch, just turn the power off by flipping the circuit breaker associated with the unit. Then, use a screwdriver — usually a Philips-head — to unscrew the screws around the base of the grille. You should then be able to lift it off and set it aside.

Step 2: Vacuum Out the Unit

With the grill removed, you should have free access to the fan on the top of the unit and also the fins on the sides. The easiest way to remove any leaves and other debris from these areas is with a shop vac because you can just suck them right up. You might want to use a soft brush attachment on the fins if there is a lot of finer dust stuck on them that is not coming off with the regular wand attachment.

Step 3: Spray It Down

Now that all of the big debris is out of the way, it's time to use the actual coil cleaner. You can buy this formula in a special container that attaches to the end of your hose. The water from the hose runs through the container and dilutes the cleaner to the proper strength. Just attach the container to your hose, and spray the whole condenser unit down. Once it is covered in suds, leave the soap to sit for about five minutes. Then, rinse the whole thing off with clear water. You should notice a distinct difference; surfaces that were dull and dusty before should now look shiny.

Let the unit dry before moving on to the next step. It's easier to straighten fins when they are dry.

Step 4: Straighten the Fins

This is not technically cleaning, but you might as well do it while you have the cover off. Fins tend to get bent over time, and when they are bent, they reduce the efficiency of the AC unit. Luckily, they are easy to straighten. You can use a tool called a fin comb, which looks like a wide-tooth comb and should be easy enough to find at a hardware store. Just push it between the fins towards the top, and pull it down; it should straighten several rows of fins at once. If you do not have a fin comb and only a few fins are out of place, you can bend them back into place, one at a time, using a butter knife. This approach just takes longer.

Step 5: Put It Back Together

Place the cage back over the unit, screw the screws back into place, and you're finished! Remember to turn the power back on before you use the air conditioner again.

Follow these steps every spring, and your air conditioner should thank you. If you need help with any part of this process, contact an AC service in your area.
