Failing AC Compressor? 3 Signs You Might Notice

Most central air conditioning systems have a mechanical component located outside the home called a compressor. This large, box-like unit is typically located at ground level, near the home, on the roof, or on an elevated platform attached to the side of the home.

HVAC compressor units move the air conditioning system's refrigerant between the evaporator unit and the condenser coils. This action is needed to ensure that the refrigerant changes to liquid or gas forms as needed by the system to assist with the creation of large volumes of chilled air.

When a central air conditioning system compressor begins to fail, there can be a number of recognizable symptoms. Homeowners who take note of these symptoms before a total failure occurs may be able to simplify the repair and limit any downtime required to address the issue.

Noisy operation

Abnormal or unusual noises are often the first sign of air conditioning compressor failure. Unfortunately, due to the location of the compressor and the fact that most households keep their windows closed during the cooling season, homeowners may not notice these sounds right away.

As the repair issue continues to worsen, however, homeowners may begin to notice loud or strange noises inside the home whenever the system cycles on. The reason that failing compressors make noise is usually that the startup process is harder for the worn components to manage. In addition to loud noises, homeowners may also notice a stuttering or other type of vibration. 

Noticing ice on refrigerant lines

Another commonly noted sign that an air conditioning system compressor needs attention is when the refrigerant lines begin to be coated in ice. This type of icing is usually a sign that the unit is critically low on refrigerant, often due to an undetected leak. 

Warm air coming from the vents

A failing compressor will be unable to create properly chilled air. At first, the air coming from the vents will be only slightly warmer than it should be. Over time, however, the air circulated through the home's central air conditioning vents will feel uncomfortably warm. 

Homeowners who find that the performance of their central air conditioning system seems to be lagging will want to have the compressor unit checked as soon as possible. It must be functioning properly in order to provide you with a cool, comfortable home during hot, humid weather.

To learn more about AC system repair, reach out to an air conditioning repair contractor in your area. 
