Services Your HVAC Contractor Will Provide During Furnace Maintenance

If you are new to having a furnace in your home, you may also be new to the maintenance required. There are several services you will need to have done to your furnace on a routine basis. Many of these services can be done by a licensed HVAC contractor. They can also be done during routine service and maintenance calls throughout the year. Here are some of those services and what to know about each one. 

Fan Inspection

The first step your HVAC contractor may provide for furnace maintenance is a fan inspection. The fan inspection will be checked for several key elements. The first is to ensure the belt and motor are working properly. They will also ensure the fan blades are clean and debris-free. This is a vital step in the maintenance process. If the fan is not working properly or has debris, it can cause the fan to run slowly. The motor will then try to keep up and can eventually overheat or freeze up. By simply cleaning and maintaining the fan, you can reduce the chances of costly repairs to the operating system of the furnace. 

Duct Inspection

One of the most dangerous areas of the furnace can be the ductwork. This is due to the large amount of debris and dust that can become captured in the duct system. If the debris builds up, it along with the dust can cause the chance for severe fire and fire damage. The furnace heat will travel through the ductwork and heat the debris and dust. If the heat gets too high the debris can ignite. To avoid this dangerous issue, the HVAC contractor will check the ductwork and clean the area of any dust and debris. 

Filtration System

As with any HVAC-styled unit, the furnace filtration system should be checked and maintained. The filters should be cleaned and replaced on a routine basis. Your HVAC contractor will remove dirty filters, replace them with clean ones, and clean any areas around the filters. They will also suggest the type of filters you should be using and how often you should be replacing them. 

If you need to have your furnace checked and a maintenance process performed, contact your local HVAC contractor. They can schedule a maintenance and service call that works for you. During the service call, they may inform you of issues you are having with your furnace and how to have them fixed. They can also discuss upgrades you may need or make appointments for routine maintenance throughout the year. 

For more information on furnace maintenance, contact a professional near you.
