3 Important Maintenance Tasks For Your Boiler System

Does your home rely on a boiler to produce heat? If so, maintaining your boiler is essential. Boilers are costly to repair and replace. They can also become a serious safety hazard if they fall into disrepair.

Routine maintenance will help you ensure that your home boiler is functioning as safely and efficiently as possible.

Here are three simple maintenance tasks that you can do to help keep your boiler in good condition over time.

1. Look for Leaks

Boiler leaks are cause for concern. When your boiler begins to leak, these leaks can alter the internal pressure inside your boiler. Pressure fluctuations can reduce efficiency and make your boiler more prone to serious malfunctions.

You should be looking for leaks on a regular basis as part of your boiler maintenance routine. Check each valve and fitting for evidence of leaks, and check the floor around your boiler for any signs of moisture.

Leaks should be addressed by a professional technician as quickly as possible to avoid any flooding.

2. Bleed Your Radiators

The water that is heated inside your boiler circulates through a series of radiators to heat your home. Over time, air pockets can begin to form inside your radiators. These air pockets reduce the amount of heat that a radiator can emit.

You should take the time to bleed your radiators on a regular basis. Open the valve on each radiator and allow excess air to escape.

Bleeding your radiators will help maintain a more constant temperature inside your home. Your boiler won't have to work as hard to keep your home warm, so bleeding your radiators can help extend the life of your boiler system.

3. Flush Your Boiler

If you live in an area with a hard water supply, trace minerals can begin to accumulate along the interior surfaces of your boiler over time. The thicker these mineral deposits become, the less efficient your boiler will be.

No good maintenance program would be complete without regular boiler flushes. A professional technician will be able to drain all of the water from your boiler system in order to access any mineral deposits. Specialized chemicals can then be used to eliminate these mineral deposits.

Boiler maintenance is critical to the efficiency and safety of your home's heating system. Your technician will be able to recommend a boiler flush schedule based on the quality of the water in your home. Contact a company such as STA SO COOL HVAC to find out more.
