Did Your Furnace Stop Producing Hot Air? Find Out Why And What You Must Do To Get It Working Again

Has your furnace stopped producing hot air? When dealing with frigid temperatures outside, it is normal for the inside of the home to feel incredibly cold. Without having access to heat, you may feel like you are freezing while attempting to bundle up in as many layers as you can. While wearing layers of clothing can help, it is not a permanent solution to the problem. You would need to find out why your furnace has stopped working and then have contractors complete repairs to get it running again. Read More 

How To Clean Your Air Conditioner: A Complete Beginner’s Guide

You know that big air conditioning condenser that sits out in your yard, helping to keep your home cool all summer long? Did you realize that you are actually supposed to clean it periodically — preferably once a year in the spring? This may seem intimidating if it is something you have never done before, but that's where this guide comes in handy. Even if you are a complete beginner who has barely even used a screwdriver, you should be able to follow these tips to clean your AC condenser. Read More 

3 Questions To Ask About Your Commercial AC Warranty

Getting a good warranty with your new commercial air conditioner system is definitely an important asset. If something goes wrong after the AC service installs the new equipment, you may be able to get repairs completed without cost to you or have the system replaced. Certain questions about the AC warranty should be asked when you are considering a system from a certain company. Here is a look at some of the common questions you should be asking about your commercial AC warranty before you settle on a certain unit. Read More 

The Importance Of Furnace Maintenance And Related Tasks: Preparing Yourself For Your Home’s First Winter

If this is the first year that you are a homeowner, you may find that there are lots of tasks you have never had to do before. One task, in particular, is coming up soon. It is the annual furnace maintenance, and it really should be done every year. If nothing else, you should hire furnace maintenance services this year and have the technician come back at least every other year (if you forget). Read More 

When To Call A Technician For Emergency AC Repair

Some air conditioning (AC) issues can wait a day or two before getting solved. For example, you can survive a day or two with slight uneven cooling in the house. However, some issues require prompt intervention. Below are some of the AC issues for which you should call an emergency technician. Serious Electrical Problems  Electrical problems are dangerous for two main reasons. First, electrical problems in the AC can trigger an electrical fire that can cause further damage or even burn down the whole house. Read More